The meeting started at 10:00 a.m. Saturday January 18thwith the Pledge of Allegiance.
Allison read the minutes of the December Association Meeting minutes. Patrick introduced the new board members for the 2025 year. This was followed by the treasurer report read by Michael.
Old business: The proposed outdoor heaters was discussed. Bottom line, there is only a short window that they can be used this year. Due to our limited cash position, we have elected to delay purchase until later in the year and buy off season. Then they will be available starting next fall.
Questions regarding the pool and laundry were asked. It was explained that this was an Association meeting and the Association does not have any input or information regarding the park maintenance nor infrastructure. Questions of that nature need to be addressed to Peter. It was suggested to give Peter prepared questions on Thursday and ask that he answer at Coffee and Donuts on Friday. The discussion continued for several minutes on how to get their park questions answered. Repeated requests to refer these questions to Peter were ignored, suggesting that Peter needs to address the Coffee and Donuts group on a regular basis.
The discussion then went to activities. Participation is down. What activities do you want? Come up with an idea, let us know what it is and we’ll help promote it. Several suggestions were made, yet nobody volunteered to form a group to coordinate activity ideas and make them reality.
Chino asked about the lighting in the park, beginning another discussion about Park matters. Several attempts to refer the concerns to Park management were ignored.
We went over upcoming events. Tuesday the 21st is movie night in the Card Room. Saturday the 25th is the soup sale hosted by the Women’s Club. Saturday February 1st is the return of Breakfast in the Park. The following Saturday February 8this the Penny sale at 10:00 a.m. If you have items to donate to the sale, let Gail know and she can make arrangements for you to drop off. The chili sale starts at 11:00 and the Pot Luck at 6:00. Friday February 14th is the Senior Prom. On the 22nd of February Women’s Club is hosting another Wine and Cheese party.
Rent raffle winners were announced. The $450 rent reduction was won by Gary Tjndle in C-72. The $100 cash prize was won by Marvin Fitchett, $75 by Patrick McCombs, and $50.00 by Vaneddie Jones.
50-50 prize of $31 was won by Nellie Celeya.
Meeting was adjourned.