Breakfast in the Park’s new format seemed to be a hit. Seems that Greek yoghurt is not on everyone’s ideal list. OK, you are heard. I like it with a bit of Agave syrup to take the edge off sour taste, but unfortunately, forgot to bring some. My bad. I like it plain too, but that’s me. This was our first go at it, and overall, I think it went well. It will morph over the next few months, probably never stop changing, always looking for the next best thing. Suggestions from diners were made and those suggestions will be incorporated into next month’s presentation. It was a good turnout, and we hope word will get out about the changes and the participation continues to grow.
This Saturday, in lieu of the Pot Luck, will be Beer’N Brats! Well, maybe not beer, but you are welcome to bring some, but Soda’N Brats just doesn’t sound as festive. Brats, dogs, maybe burgs (menu is not final yet) side salads, beans and such will be there as well. Give Gail a call if you’d like to bring your award winning potato salad or mac salad to add to the fun.
Be sure to get your sprayers ready for weed season that is coming. Get out there early and often to keep them under control.
And get your laundry ready. They brought in the washers and dryers this week. Can it be the electricity will be completed soon? (hope,hope,hope).